Saturday, December 21, 2013


 When something unspeakable forces its way into your life, you realize how helpless you are. No matter what our plans, sometimes life throws us something that shifts our world, and there is nothing we can do about it.

 In the past 5 months I have lost 6 very dear family members. most of whom were perfectly healthy weeks before their death. I've gotten to say goodbye to none of them. People we love can be taken from us at any time, so we have to cherish them.

 Last night my Uncle Gerard passed away. Someone who started this week perfectly healthy will end it in heaven. He leaves behind his wife Debbie, and their 13 children. He was an incredibly hard worker who took care of his family the best way he knew how. When asked what he raised on his farm, his simple answer was "kids". He loved all his family. I remember celebrating milestones of my life with he and his enormous, loving family there to support me. He will be sorely missed.

 If there is one thing that I believe with absolute certainty, it is that everything happens for a reason. It is so hard to see reason when something this terrible happens. From this day forward the lives of my aunt and cousins will never be the same. But, one day, they will be better. Their pain will eventually pass and all that will be left are sweet memories, memories Gerard spent his life making.

 I believe it was John Lennon who said "Everything will be alright in the end. If it isn't alright, it isn't the end". Today is hard. It is full of tears and sorrow. But one day, today will be better. The only way I know how to deal with loss is to live this today for that today.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Impossible To Forget

 Twelve years ago the world went through a dark day. Thousands of people died tragically in an act of hate. We can never bring those people back, but we can try make the best of life without them. The inspiring stories of love, heroism, and kindness that I hear every year always move me more than the sadness I feel. People are truly amazing. All we can do is love each other. Bring out the best in your fellow man, and they will bring out the best in you.

 Every person needs love, even the aggressors. They might even need it the most. It is easy to love the hero. They are everything we hope to be. But, try to spare one thought of pity for those people so filled with hate that they felt compelled to kill thousands. If love and kindness could be spread worldwide hate and violence would end. Today try to love the person who needs it, not the person who deserves it.

 Pray for peace and love. They are the only things that can heal our hurt. Hate only creates more hate. Love burns like a fire, passing from person to person. With love, we all win.

 Remembering today all those lost, and all those still hurting. Love to you all.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


We all go through hard times.
We struggle as we climb the mountains that are our problems.
Day-in and day-out we battle with the bitter pains.

Sometimes people are there to help us.
Other times we climb alone.
Barely making it to the top.

The most important thing to do at the summit is to look back. 
Check to see if someone just starting their climb.
They need your help.

Friday, September 06, 2013

A Comparatively Excellent Post

 Who couldn't use a little more Zen in their life; more peace and happiness, less stress and anxiety? Doesn't that just sound positively perfect?

 This weekend I was in Virginia Beach, and as I was floating in the ocean I just remember feeling absolutely no stress. All my bills were paid. My gas tank was full. I was doing great in school. I was not at odds with any one person. I had two paychecks coming. Not to mention, I was at the damn beach!! Everything was going my way. (Until the sunburn set in, anyway!) I was so happy, and that happiness is carrying through.

 Lately, I keep asking myself "How does a person rid their life of stress?" And so, I have spent considerable (ish) time reading about this. So far, I have noticed that anyone who writes about living a stress free life almost always starts with "Stop Comparing Yourself!".

 Ugh!! C'mon Inspirational Writers!! You could have picked something easier as a starting point. Seeing how I measure against my peers is without a doubt one of the main sources of stress in my life. I didn't really realize it until a couple months ago, but it is the thing that causes me to doubt myself more than anything. I don't so much worry about what people think of me. But, I do spend an enormous amount of my time worrying about where other people are in life, and then thinking  "If they are there, I should be there too!"

  Everyone has problems, and no one is exactly where they want to be in life. I really have to learn to stop holding other people's lives up to my own just to see how they compare. I can't look at where I am and let myself think that makes me better or worse than someone else. I just need to make sure that everyday I am trying to be the best I can be. And then, not give a crap about where anyone else is.

 Right now, I am trying so hard to be satisfied with my life, to look at what I have, and know it is enough. One more baby step towards Zen, I guess.

 So, if you are feeling a little upset about your position in life, try not comparing your today to another person's today. Compare your today to your yesterday. You will feel better! I promise! I am trying it, and I haven't be happier in a long time! :)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Please Remember!

  We all do wonderful and sometimes-not-so-wonderful things. The terrible thing is, the negative things we've done are often all we can think about!

   People can be so hard on themselves! I know that half the time I worry that I am not good enough to be the person I want to be. The crazy thing is that all our faults are in the past. There are no faults in the future, only opportunity!

  We won't know how far we have come from our faults until we are tested again. If we are always telling ourselves we are not enough, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When it comes time to prove how much we've grown, it is easy to fail again because it is comfortable! If we don't expect great things from ourselves, why would we possibly be motivated to do them? Change the voice in your head! Know that you are capable of weird and wonderful things!!

  When muddled and confused, it is best to talk to Christopher Robin. He had the most muddled and confused friend, and he was constantly helping him realize his own worth.

  I wrote this post for one of my dear friends. She is one of the most amazing and awe-inspiring people I have ever met, but sometimes she forgets. Dearest, always remember, you are braver, stronger, and smarter than even Christopher Robin could have imagined!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Far Better Things

 So, it has been almost exactly a month since my last posting.

 Actually, about 20 minutes after my most recent post, I got a phone call telling me my grandfather had passed away. This was extremely sudden and heartbreaking news. Less than a week later one of my dear, close Aunts was put into a coma with the hopes that her health would improve after a recent diagnosis of Lymphomal cancer. About ten days later she passed away.

 If someone had told me on July 1st that I would lose two beloved family members within the month, I would not have believed them.

 Life is short, and nothing, except death, is certain. People are only in our lives for a very small period of time. We have to cherish every single moment we have with them. There is someone in your life today that you are taking for granted. Let them know you love them. Tell them what they mean to you. In less than two months I lost two completely alive and healthy people.

 Two weeks ago I was grieving with my dad's family, this week I will be grieving with my mom's. If not for the love an support of each other, we would all be a mess. I want to say how grateful I am for my amazing parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles. We are comforted in knowing that our loved ones are in a better place. They are together waiting for us. They are the far better things.

-Grandpa and Aunt Therese, I miss you both. The world is less without you here, but Heaven is so much richer. I love you- 


Tuesday, July 02, 2013


 People are amazing. Constantly, we are doing incredible things. People built a wall that is visible from space! They figured out a way to see the stars and visit other planets! For generations we have made beautiful art and amazing music. Our accomplishments are not by accident. We try hard and fail, then try harder. Every day we get closer to our goal. The whole time having this incredible incentive of accomplishment dangling in front of us. We all aspire to be better versions of ourselves. We see it in our future that we will be successful.

 Every day we have to climb a little higher, a little closer to being the person we see in our ambitions. If it was easy, everyone would do it. It isn't easy. It is hard. That is what makes it rewarding. Sitting at the top of the mountain is our reward. And, when we finally reach the peak and hold in our hands that thing we want more than anything...we will know that we climbed a mountain to get it.

{you've no need to move mountains when you are strong enough to climb them}